Sunday, April 18, 2010

Just lik dat...

Just lik dat dis cme to ma mind to share sumthng wid ppl who hav sum worth in ma life...Though fr long i was in illusion..who actuly r "worthy" enuff to b part of ma life...nywzz...

Hav u ol realised dere comes a pnt in life wen we lik to stp fr a while n look bck in our life!!!...Itz too natural fr evryne..nyne to thnk of chngin dere past...atleast a few moments...few persns...a few flngs!! too hav thut of it wat i hav realisd is dat past is nt meant to b chngd...nt evn thnk of chngn it as wat ur nw...wat u hav achvd nw is al becze u wre dat in yor past!!..

If i talk bout maslf...watevr gud or bad hs hppnd wedr itz 10 yrs bck..2 yrs bck or yestrdy has mde a postive impct if nt on ma life bt atlst on me as an Indivdual...
chngng ma outluk n attitude twrds evrythng.......

Dese thuts cme to mind....jst lik i wn thank evrbdy who..wre n Are..part of ma life...
becze of u ol i hav realised so many thngs...n most imprtantly i hav realsd i ws a quite dumb wid u ol
nywz u ol hav hlpd me a lot in bcmng bettr rader say a "smart persun"!!!
Smart enuf to carry a fake smile on ma face...Smart enuf to pamper u bi wrdzz....Smart enuf to b lik u!!!....rite....
