Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Stigma hasn't Changed Yet.....

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. ~ Anatole France
Indeed a perfect quote.
Change, is much more than just being a simple 6 letter word. It contains in itself a whole turmoil of emotional conflicts. Conflicts which sometimes are strong enough to break you down and sometimes are intense enough to change you in and out. In my lifetime i have never seen any change , welcomed with a smile. Whether it is about entering a new life, leaving behind one, whether it is simple change in life, relations, whether it is simplest change in Facebook chat, photoviewer or any of those minutest things. Sometimes we stand up against change, sometimes the whole world stand against us.
Just think about a girl who is getting married, leaving behind her own family which she cherished with love, care, affection for 24 25 years of her life, the room she used to call her own, decorated with the colours of her life, and every small thing, happiness that she has to leave behind and she just have to say goodbye, once for all. Though she has all those dreams, hopes of a new beginning, husband who she thinks is mad in her love, a family who will care the same way like her own and if she is lucky enough she gets everything. True the happiness, the excitement overpowers it all, the fear, the anxieties and the Change, Change in her life, her soul and her very Individuality. Has anyone tried consoling her about the same...Yes the mother and the aunts do give advice to that already vulnerable soul for being at best of her behaviour with her in laws. And has anyone saw a married girl complaining about the drastic change, though she every second feels that, every second fights that, but alone, just alone. Making every move, every facial expression with a deep thought because yes they are being noticed and noticed so carefully that even after years of marriage, one wrong move, an extra pinch of salt in food becomes a one basic thing to recognize the girl with.
I agree, nowadays things are quite different, guess the Change Happened. But still there are many who didn’t change and there are more who will never change.
Because the Dowry still exists, Because newspapers have still The news of burnt brides,Because suicides are still happenings, Because physical molestation is still there and because Girls are still suffering!!
And that’s because we are still the same, because we are taught to be The Same. ‘Suffer in Silence’ is a quote which in many families girls are taught more than they are taught the ABC!
I am sure Newton wasn’t aware of the Social Stigma for a Married Girl when he discovered the theory ‘Every Reaction has an equal and Opposite reaction.’ But it existed then and it exists now. But it doesn’t negate the validity of the very theory. So The Reaction has to happen!
In a way that every person who cursed you, who  raised a hand at you to harm you, every abuse you faced, that each and every insult, you shouldn’t bear Just like that. Think, think about the reaction of that soul who is crushing herself from inside from ages, being a Daughter, being a Girl, being a Bride, being a Mother and what not and the reaction will be so intense that it will settle it all, for the betterment of herself, her family and Her Society, a betterment that will bring a revolution of The Change!
Be a girl who can love, who can give, who can compromise but when you know you are getting atleast half in return otherwise Stand Up, for yourself, your individuality and for the Change. Change that will Change it all.


  1. Delightful read ! And i am serious this time :)

  2. Thankyou :) and i am always serious! ;)

  3. awesome writing!!!
    and you are as pretty as your thoughts :)
