Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Story of Highway!!!

Sitting right beside the window at 3rd floor, sipping a cup of tea, made to awake myself to study and study till dawn but irony of the situation is that  it's not the PPTs and not the upcoming exams capturing my attention but attention seeker of the moment is more than a perfect view of The Greater Noida Express Highway!!

Don't know whether i am flowing with the mood or is it really something about this highway which catches my attention again and Yet again here i am.
All i can see at this time,is a road bereft of everything but this heart of mine can see, can feel what the eyes can't and the answer is Emotion no matter what the question is!!!

Now how can someone relate emotions to a highway at 1 in midnight especially when it is the one who keeps all of us far far away from the quite a happ life of Noida and Delhi!! But there is something, a thing which made me think, think until i feel and feel until i write.

Traveled it so many times, traveled to see a smiling face waiting just for me at end of it, traveled to catch up with those friends i have to leave a year ago, traveled alone,traveled with you all but always have noticed the flow of so many emotions, so many feelings through it.
Sometimes the two for whom the world is only This romantic ride on our very own highway.Sometimes seen all those friends making promises to share it all, to no matter where they go, these days, these rides won't ever be forgotten.
Sometimes seen a father, a husband having it all in his eyes but a bliss of meeting his family, and a hug from his kids is all he is waiting for.
Among all these innocent and lovely shades, sometimes my eyes struck at the ones who have that, pain, in their eyes.And the pain which is deep sitting in their heart, i have seen coming out of their eyes sometimes.And then, i was never able to gave them a second look, because these tears do define their story but as each one of us do have one or two such stories.And my bad luck, i am too vulnerable to those stories of mine.

And then, i realize my journey was till there only.Till Bimtech only.
Those lives,those stories which connect to me, make a impact right at my heart. Till now that impact has added a whole new dimension of emotions to my life.
I pray to God that it will always remain the same way!!! And pray the same for The Highway which absorbs it all , day and night.